Enjoy Earth Day by Celebrating all week long in Massachusetts! Charles River Cleanup April 21: 9-noon The Annual Earth Day Charles River Cleanup brings together over 3,000 volunteers each year to pick up litter, remove invasive species and assist [...]
Did you know that Earth Day is the world’s most significant environmental movement? The first celebration was in 1970, and has since gained momentum and impact worldwide. The idea came from U.S. Senator Gaylord Nelson from Wisconsin after witnessing [...]
Do you drink water from plastic bottles? Orb Media, a journalism organization, led a research study that discovered “an average of 10 plastic particles per litre, each larger than the width of a human hair.” The tests were conducted [...]
Western nations have been puzzled over what to do when China’s ban on taking recyclables went into effect on Jan. 1. Plastic backups have been reported in Canada, Ireland, Germany, London and several other European nations, while tons of [...]
Stonybrook Water is a family-owned and operated business serving New England. Founded in 2006, Stonybrook Water has over a decade of experience of providing quality products and local customer service. Stonybrook Water is New England's largest privately-owned bottle-less water [...]
113,376 tons of salt was applied to the snowy streets of Boston last winter. Where do those thousands of tons of salt go after winter thaws? Into our streams, lakes, rivers and groundwater, which is the main source of [...]
The summer weather is upon us, as is the importance of your dog having access to clean, fresh water. But how do you know how much water your dog should drink daily? Is tap water a good source of [...]
There are so many “rules” when it comes to pregnancy. But one rule, not every pregnant woman follows is the recommended guidelines for water intake! It is twice as important for a woman to stay sufficiently hydrated during pregnancy. [...]
Not only are plastic water jugs terrible for the environment, but they are also a waste of space and money! Here are some of the reasons why you shouldn’t be using a plastic water bottle dispenser: [...]