Not only are plastic water jugs terrible for the environment, but they are also a waste of space and money! Here are some of the reasons why you shouldn’t be using a plastic water bottle dispenser:
One 5-gallon jug equals approximately 1 square foot of space. The average Boston commercial real estate costs $57.00 per square foot per year. If one office stores 15 jugs of water at a time, that is $855.00 a year in water storage!
Where are you storing these jugs- is it clean? We see jugs stacked in dusty warehouses, bathroom floors, and even propping open doors. Do you disinfect the bottle before putting it on top of the cooler? Any particles on that bottle are now submerged in your drinking water.
Have you ever seen anyone clean the reservoir your water sits in? Did you know most companies do not offer that service, and if they do, it is over $100 for each cleaning?! We have seen algae, slime, mold, and more inside the reservoir where your water comes out of! YUCK!
We work so hard to make our homes and offices clean and inviting. So why clutter them up with water jugs? Are racks and stacks of water bottles a part of your feng shui plans?
To change your water jug, you will need to lift 40 lbs each time (I hope you don’t have a bad back!)!
Lifting water jugs is one of the top causes of work-related injuries!
On average, the typical bottled water company uses about three gallons for every gallon produced.
That will have wasted millions of gallons of water per year!
Bottled jug production uses 17 million barrels of oil each year! It will also release 2.5 million tons of carbon dioxide into our atmosphere (equal to the emissions of 520,000 cars in one year)!
Photo by Jp Valery on Unsplash
Image by DCStudio on Freepik
Image by Freepik
Photo by John Cameron on Unsplash
Photo by bin foch on Unsplash
Photo by Anderson Rian on Unsplash
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