Why Bottled Water Coolers are Disgusting

Have you ever wondered how often the bottled water coolers should be cleaned? The answer is EVERY month at a minimum!

Have you ever seen anyone cleaning the bottled water dispenser with bleach, brushes and buckets? If your answer is no, it can be safe to assume that your dispenser has been collecting mold, viruses and bacteria and has been faithfully delivering those germs into your cup of water.

Watch our quick video to see how bottled water coolers can’t compare to filtered water dispensers by Stonybrook Water.

Interested in Going Bottleless?

More and more businesses and households are switching to bottleless water. With clean, unlimited water on demand without worrying about keeping plastic bottles clean, it’s the obvious choice for many.

If you want to go bottleless, call 978-381-1520 or click here to get more information or schedule a free, one week trial.

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